November 28th – Poinsettias for the Sanctuary
We will be Decorating the sanctuary for Advent and we are collecting poinsettias for a Christmas display! If you would like to purchase poinsettia, bring $16 to the office and let us know if the poinsettia is in honor or memory of a particular loved one in your life. November 28th is the deadline to purchase a poinsettia.
December 5th – Christmas Dinner
The Christmas Dinner was deeply missed last year, but the Fellowship Committee is planning an outdoor Christmas Dinner this year! We will have mulled cider and a fire pit to keep us warm and festive. We will collect cookies and other treats to share. Stay tuned for more details!
December 12th – GingerBread House Making
After church on December 12th, all are welcome to gather in the Fellowship Hall as our kids decorate gingerbread houses! We accept donations for toppings that we’ll distribute for the children. Please register by contacting BJ Munsey ( to let us know how many gingerbread houses your family would like to decorate so that we know if we have enough kits prepared.
December 19th – Christmas Pageant
With worship back in the sanctuary, we are excited to hold the Christmas Pageant again this year! It will happen during worship on Sunday morning. BJ Munsey will be directing, so please contact her ( if you have children interested in helping perform!
December 24th – Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
We will hold a candlelight Christmas Eve service in the sanctuary at 7pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate the birth of Christ together as we read and sing through the Christmas story!
Here are some wonderful opportunities to serve others:
Angel Tree
The Angel Tree is a wish list of Christmas gifts for adults at the Recovery Community Center. If you would like to help, pick one of the two gifts requested on the list below, wrap it, and bring it to the church office as soon as you are able (Dec. 5th at the latest). You can use this link to sign up or you can contact Karen Miller or Florence Mogen to update the sheet for you! It’s important that we keep the list up to date when you are ready to commit.
Elf Shelf
Elf Shelf is a program run by our neighbor church, Grove UMC, that allows low income Radford residents to “shop” for Christmas gifts. Elf Shelf will be in a drive-thru format again this year. In order to contribute, just write a check to the Presbyterian Church of Radford with “Elf Shelf” on the memo line.
Necessities Pantry
For the December Necessities Pantry, we will be collecting gloves, mittens, and winter hats to distribute to those in need! If you would like to contribute, please bring them by the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall before the next Necessities Pantry, which is the morning of December 18th.